Our Services.

EMDR Processing Session

Session Highlights:

1. Target Memory Reprocessing: We focus on a specific target memory that has been causing emotional distress. Our skilled therapists will expertly guide you through a structured process designed to reprocess and alleviate the emotional intensity associated with this memory.

2. Gentle Guidance: You are never alone during this journey. Our experienced therapists are with you every step of the way, providing a nurturing and supportive environment. We understand the delicate nature of memory reprocessing, and our therapists ensure that you feel safe and comfortable throughout the session.

3. Mindful Observation: Together, we delve into the depths of the initial memory. With your eyes closed, you are encouraged to mindfully observe the memory while engaging in bilateral stimulation, which aids in facilitating the reprocessing process.

4. Distress Reduction: Our collaborative effort is aimed at reducing the distress level linked to the target memory. Through careful observation and the strategic application of bilateral stimulation techniques, you will witness the gradual diminishment of the emotional weight that once burdened you.

5. Empowerment and Growth: As the distress associated with the memory diminishes, you will find yourself on a path of healing and personal growth. By addressing the emotional impact of past events, you pave the way for a more resilient and empowered future.

6. Personalized Approach: Every individual's journey is unique. Our therapists adapt the EMDR Processing Session to your specific needs, ensuring that the session aligns with your comfort level and therapeutic goals.

7. Lasting Results: EMDR has been recognized as an effective therapeutic approach for addressing trauma and distressing memories. The benefits of the EMDR Processing Session often extend beyond the session itself, fostering lasting positive changes in emotional well-being.

8. Compassionate Support: Our therapists are dedicated to your well-being and growth. They foster a non-judgmental and empathetic environment, encouraging open dialogue and fostering a sense of trust.

Embark on a transformative journey towards emotional liberation with our EMDR Processing Session. Rediscover your inner strength, overcome the weight of distressing memories, and pave the way for a more resilient and empowered future.

Contact Me

I love seeing my clients grow and thrive and develop the tools they need to cope with life’s challenges. Contact me today to learn more and book a session. Please leave your contact number as part of your message.

0466 168 270

Beach Street Allied Health
103 Beach Street
Frankston Vic 3199